PhD in Physics and Physics Engineering

PhD in Physics

The PhD in Physics aims to provide a specialization and a significant deepening of knowledge in various branches of physics. Students will engage in advanced research in areas such as astrophysics and gravitation, condensed matter physics, nanotechnologies, particle physics, nuclear physics, plasma physics, nuclear fusion lasers, among others.

PhD in Technological Physics Engineering

The PhD in Technological Physics Engineering aims to provide a specialization and deepening of knowledge in applied physics and topics in engineering and technology related to physics. Students will engage in advanced research applying concepts, models, tools, and methodologies from physics to create innovative technologies or solve specific engineering problems.

Curriculum Plan

In both programs, the curriculum plan is defined according to the nature of the work to be developed, being strongly oriented towards advancing the most recent fundamental aspects of physics or engineering in the respective research area. It often includes at least one semester of research abroad. In business collaborations, students spend at least one year working with non-academic partners.

Research Environment

PhD students can explore different specific topics, expand their knowledge, and find their research interests in the associated research centres of the Instituto Superior Técnico. They work with international networks, placing them at the forefront of 21st-century scientific discoveries. They collaborate with their supervisors on high-level research projects to develop their theses.

In applied physics theses, national or international partners and companies are often involved, ensuring access to state-of-the-art experimental and computational laboratories and facilities. This applied Research and Development environment is crucial for the training of fully qualified researchers and for the training of advanced staff in companies. The realization of such PhDs benefits from dedicated funding lines.

PhD Fast Track

Students with an average grade of seventeen or higher, who are completing their bachelor's degree or attending the first year of the Master’s in Technological Physics Engineering, can apply for the PhD Fast Track. This plan allows for the completion of both the Master's and PhD in just 5 years, promoting integration and coherence between the two study cycles.

During the first year of the PhD Fast Track, the student completes 60 ECTS of Master's course units, following the MEFT rules. In the second year, they complete doctoral course units and prepare the public defense of their original Master's dissertation, which can serve as a proposal for the PhD thesis presented at the beginning of the third year. From this point on, the student's time is dedicated exclusively to original research work.

For more information about this program, please contact the doctoral program coordinator.