Master Thesis

Axion dynamics in spin -1/2 quantum plasmas

Henrique Miguel Álvares Pereira Lima Gonçalves

Wednesday, 4th of December, 2024 from 10 a.m. to noon
Este evento já terminou.
DF Advanced Training Room, Floor 2, Physics Building

Axions, hypothetical particles proposed as an elegant solution to the “strong CP problem” in the Standard Model, have gained attention as promising dark matter candidates. Consequently, there has been strong interest in understanding their interactions with matter and light under specific conditions.

This work investigates the behaviour of axions in spin-1/2 quantum plasmas, with a particular focus on high-density, low-temperature regimes where spin effects and axion-electron interactions could reveal new dynamics. Using techniques from quantum field theory and plasma physics, this research develops a new theory of Axion-Quantum Electrodynamics, capable of describing axion dynamics in spin-1/2 quantum plasmas.

This study examines the hybridization of bosonic modes present in this environment (axions, plasmons, and magnons) and explores their effects on the propagation of electrostatic and electromagnetic waves by determining their new dispersion relation. These findings not only increase our understanding of axion interactions in quantum plasmas, but also aim to inspire new axion detection methods in solid-state and ultra-cold plasma environments, potentially creating new experimental approaches in axion physics.