CAT Seminar

Formal and phenomenological studies in the high energy limit of QCD

Dario Vaccaro

Monday, 17th of February, 2025 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Este evento já terminou.

In high-energy hadronic scattering, particularly in the Regge limit—where the center-of-mass energy is large compared to the exchanged momentum—perturbative QCD faces challenges due to the appearance of large logarithmic energy-dependent terms that require an all-order resummation.

Resummation techniques, such as the BFKL framework, lead to complex integro-differential equations, making direct phenomenological comparisons difficult. Monte Carlo methods play a crucial role in obtaining numerical solutions in momentum space, enabling direct comparison with both multi-purpose event generators and experimental data. Despite their strong theoretical motivation, resummation effects have yet to be conclusively confirmed experimentally. Specific kinematic configurations, such as Mueller-Navelet jets and diffractive processes, offer promising opportunities to isolate high-energy resummation-related effects.

Our research focuses on refining theoretical calculations and developing new phenomenological observables that can be studied with Monte Carlo tools, both within resummation frameworks and general multi-purpose event generators. The final goal is to disentangle high-energy contributions and compare predictions with both current and future experimental data.