CAT Seminar

Unified equation of state probing compact stars

Christoph Gärtlein

Wednesday, 12th of March, 2025 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Este evento já terminou.
Sala de Formação Avançada do DF (2-8.11) + Zoom (Formato Híbrido)

Meeting ID: 971 1964 8836
Passcode Zoom (se necessária): 134631

The equation of state (EoS) of neutron stars plays a crucial role in determining their internal composition and observable properties. In this study, we construct an EoS, incorporating a 1st order phase transition from hadronic to quark matter using a Maxwell construction, and apply it for modelling both static and rotating neutron stars. In the quark matter phase, we consider the effects of vector repulsion and color superconductivity, which significantly alter the stiffness of the EoS and the onset of the deconfinement phase transition, respectively.

Our results in the static case provide very good agreement with the astrophysical constraints extracted from the gravitational wave (GW) signal GW170817 and even the subsolar-mass compact object HESS J1731-347. For non-vanishing rotational velocities, we compare our outcomes with a collection of measurements of the most recent millisecond pulsar (MSP) measurements and again find consistency with the observational data. Additionally, we developed a model of accretion matter onto rotating hybrid stars with finite magnetic. The model predicts a set of measurable parameters that can be verified by future data.

Furthermore, we apply an alternative approach for unified treatment of quark-hadron matter, i.e. the framework of quarkyonic matter. We for the first time introduce the effects of color superconductivity in the quark gluon plasma to the framework of quarkyonic matter. In upcoming publications, we will examine the impact of colour superconductivity in quarkyonic matter and compare it to the Maxwell construction of the 1st order phase transition.