16 researchers connected to the DF in the world's top 2% of most cited scientists in 2023

Published on Oct. 27, 2024, 2:24 p.m.

Stanford University and the Elsevier publishing group published an updated annual list of the 200,000 most cited scientists worldwide in 2023, representing the Top 2%. In this list there are 16 researchers who in 2023 were active in the various research units linked to the DF:

Center for Astrophysics and Gravitation (CENTRA): Javier Rubio; José Sande Lemos; Masato Minamitsuji; Richard Brito; Ryuichi Fujita; Vítor Cardoso;

Center for Physics and Advanced Materials Engineering (CeFEMA): Pedro Bicudo

Center for Theoretical Particle Physics (CFTP): Gustavo C. Branco; Luís Lavoura;

Institute of Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN): José T. Mendonça; Luís Lemos Alves; Luís Oliveira e Silva; Mikhail Benilov; Vasco Guerra;

Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering: Microsystems and Nanotechnologies (INESC MN): José Luís Martins; Paulo Freitas;

The DF congratulates these colleagues of ours for the extraordinary work they have been developing:

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