Marija Vranic awarded the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize

Published on July 12, 2022, 12:24 p.m.

For the first time, IUPAP has awarded a prize to a researcher affiliated with a Portuguese research institution. Marija Vranic was the distinguished researcher in the 2022 edition.

Marija Vranic, a researcher at the Lasers and Plasmas Group (GoLP) of the Institute of Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN) and visiting professor at the Department of Physics (DF) received the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Plasma Physics 2022 awarded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), an international organization created in 1922 in Brussels, organized and administered by the international physics community, whose mission is based on supporting the worldwide development of this area of knowledge, promoting international cooperation in physics and helping to apply it to solve problems of interest to humanity.

“This is an international recognition awarded each year for a variety of disciplinary areas in physics. It's an honor to be the first person working in Portugal to receive it,” says Marija Vranic. The IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Plasma Physics, which recognizes the contributions of early-career physicists with less than eight years of post-doctoral experience, has never before been awarded to a person affiliated with a Portuguese research institution.

The official award ceremony will take place at IUPAP's international conference in September.

plasmas researcher awards