New partnership between Synopsys and INESC MN-Centro de Interface
Published on Oct. 17, 2024, 5:10 p.m.

As both partners of the Microelectronics Agenda, Synopsys, a multinational leader in software and IP for semiconductor design with a strong presence in Portugal, and INESC Microssistemas e Nanotecnologias/Centro de Interface in the areas of microtechnologies, sensors, and industrial applications, have identified as a strategic objective the enhancement of the attractiveness of semiconductor engineering to university students and recent graduates.
This partnership will facilitate INESC MN's access to local support for the installation and use of world-leading circuit design (CAD) tools developed and utilized by Synopsys, thereby accelerating the advanced training of young talent. These skills will support activities in the sensor area that INESC MN/CTI has been developing through various international industrial contracts. By bridging academia and industry, we anticipate greater ease in attracting recent graduates to the microelectronics field consistently, solidifying Portugal's position in circuit and component design for nanoelectronics, and enhancing its competitiveness in this crucial domain for Europe.
In the latest edition of the ‘Microelectronics Academy – summer edition’ course by Synopsys, the following students participated:
• 6 students from INESC MN
• 2 graduates from INESC MN
• 3 students who have completed their degree at INESC MN
• 1 student who has completed the first year of a Master's program at INESC MN