One-year grant Research Grant (BI) in project PSI.COM

Published on Sept. 4, 2023, 2:34 p.m.

Project Plasma Surface Interaction (Data and Tools) COupled Modelling (PSI.COM) studies how to use plasmas to produce fertilizers !

The project involves:

- modelling and diagnostics of N2-H2 plasmas
- the development and the consolidation of the LisbOn KInetics (LoKI) tool suite, including Machine Learning tools for sensitivity analysis

You can develop some of the previous tasks with a one-year Research Grant (Bolsa de Investigação - BI) in 2023/2024, preferentially at MSc level (2nd cycle).
The work can lead to a PIC2/Master dissertation (proposal 29172 for MEFT) at IPFN/IST and LPP/France

For more information please check the announcement and contact Prof. Luís L. Alves

plasmas scholarship grant