
Below are the names and positions of the officials of the Department of Physics for the biennium 2023/24.

President od the Department:

Prof. Ilídio Pereira Lopes

Executive Committee:

Vice-President for Resource Management: Prof. António Ferraz

Vice-President for Research and Science: Prof. Filipe Joaquim

Vice-President for Community Engagement: Prof. Patrícia Muíño

Vice-President for Teaching Service: Prof. Luís Filipe Mendes

Advisor for the Integration of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Cycle Studies: Rafael de Almeida

Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Technological Physics Engineering:

Coordinator: Prof. Luís Viseu Melo

Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Marta Fajardo

Doctoral Program in Physics and Physics Engineering:

Coordinator: Prof. Horácio Fernandes

Scientific Area Coordinators:

Astrophysics and Gravitation: Prof. José Pizarro de Sande e Lemos

Condensed Matter Physics and Nanotechnologies: Prof. Pedro Brogueira

Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics: Prof. Mário Pimenta

Plasma Physics, Lasers, and Nuclear Fusion: Prof. Luís Lemos Alves

Interdisciplinary Physics: Prof. Rui Manuel Agostinho Dilão

DF Representative at Taguspark:

Prof. Pedro Abreu

Permanent Strategy Committee:

Prof. Carlos Cruz

Prof. Ilídio Lopes

Prof. José Sande Lemos

Prof. Luís Lemos Alves

Prof. Marta Fajardo

Prof. Pedro Abreu

Prof. Pedro Brogueira

Prof. Susana Freitas

Prof. Teresa Peña

Responsible for Equivalence Processes at DF:

Prof. Filipe Joaquim

Responsible for Teaching Laboratories at Alameda:

Prof. João Mendanha Dias

Responsible for Teaching Laboratories at Taguspark:

Prof. Artur Malaquias

Responsible for Demonstration Laboratory:

Prof. Ana Mourão