
The faculty and researchers of the Department of Physics work in areas crucial to human knowledge and the relationship between society, science, and technology. Some of these topics have a tremendous impact on our quality of life and are essential for making informed decisions. Others help us understand our place in the cosmos. The importance of these subjects for society underscores the need to make the research conducted in the Department visible, clear, and comprehensive, thereby increasing society's engagement with fundamental science and cutting-edge technology. The Department of Physics develops and participates in programs to enhance this engagement and relies on everyone to bring science everywhere.

Throughout the year, the Department promotes discussions covering the entire spectrum of science through its established DF Colloquia. The Department also has a long tradition of supporting various initiatives organized by its students, notably through the Physics Students' Group (NFIST).

Our researchers and professors also promote actions of reflection and scientific outreach. For instance, the Birth of an Idea website features scientists from around the world describing the genesis of their ideas. In the Cosmic Workshop, children draw for us how they imagine black holes and other astrophysical phenomena. In Explain It to Me Like I'm Five, several DF scientists respond in an accessible and clear manner to questions from the public.

For Schools: Another fundamental component for the Department is interaction with schools. Several members of the DF participate in and organize accredited training activities for high school teachers, particularly in collaboration with the Portuguese Physics Society and the Ciência Viva centers. Engaging with future scientists and our colleagues in secondary education is one of the activities we cherish the most. We are available for discussions and visits throughout the year, by appointment. Contact us and subscribe to the mailing list.

For Journalists: The world never stops; from the announcement of the latest Nobel Prize to space exploration, to the latest discoveries by our top researchers, science is everywhere, and every day it makes headlines. The Department of Physics is available for interviews and to clarify any matters related to our activity as scientists. Contact us.

For Companies: A physicist is an agent of innovation, with a significant presence in industry and the economy. Several members of the DF maintain industrial and business collaborations, including technology transfer, consulting, and lifelong learning. Many of our students choose careers in national and international industry and inspire career opportunities for new students. We are aligned with the Técnico, in the Technology Transfer Area, Business Partnerships, and always available to expand our network of contacts. Contact us and subscribe to the mailing list.

Support the Department: There are many ways to collaborate or help the Department. Contact us.

Alumni: Who doesn't remember their student number from Técnico? Technological Physics Engineering students belong to the Physics Department's family for life. We want to hear news from everyone and invite you to Department events. Sign up for our Alumni list.