Condensed Matter and Nanotechnology

Teaching and research in the field of Condensed Matter Physics and Nanotechnology (CMPN) are carried out in the Physics Department of IST by a group of theoretical and experimental physicists working together with the common goal of understanding the fundamental physical laws and properties of matter in the condensed state.

In Condensed Matter Physics, the macroscopic and microscopic properties of matter in condensed phases are studied, while Nanotechnology deals with matter at the atomic scale. The most common physical states of condensed matter are the solid and liquid states, resulting from electromagnetic interactions between atoms and molecules. All living beings and nearly all of the physical world with which we interact on a daily basis are in a condensed phase, with notable exceptions being radiation and gases.

New research and development topics have attracted an increasing number of researchers and engineers to this area. These topics range from superconductivity and topology, through self-organized fluids, to semiconductors and 1D, 2D, and 3D nano-objects.

Students and young researchers interested in the CMPN area find at IST a set of curriculum units that discuss these subjects in an introductory or advanced manner, with appropriate methodologies for theoretical, experimental, or engineering training. These students have privileged access to experimental facilities and nanotechnology laboratories at IST and Associated Research Units. There, equipment and techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Atomic Force Microscopy, Cleanroom, and nanotechnology characterization techniques are available, among others. This proximity to cutting-edge laboratories and experimental techniques is essential for a solid competitive international training with promotion of knowledge transfer between fundamental science and technology, reflecting in the high employability of our graduates in CMPN areas worldwide.

Research Units:


Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (CEFEMA)



The webpage of the area, with detailed information, can be found here.