
Extended thermodynamics, quantum inequalities and cosmic censorship on the brane

Antonia Micol Frassino

Quinta-feira, 5 de Dezembro 2024 das 14:30 às 16:00
Este evento já terminou.
Sala de Seminários do DF, Pavilhão de Física, 2º piso

In this talk, I use braneworld holography to explore some fundamental aspects of black hole physics. On the one hand, the braneworld scenario is a natural framework for studying extended black hole thermodynamics.

In particular, a dynamical cosmological constant can be incorporated by varying the brane tension. On the other hand, the black hole solution on the three-dimensional brane — the qBTZ black hole — offers a testbed for studying geometric inequalities in semiclassical gravity, such as the Penrose inequality, and its relation with weak cosmic censorship.