
Imaging ultra-compact objects with radiatively inefficient accretion flows

Saurabh Saurabh

Quinta-feira, 12 de Dezembro 2024 das 14:30 às 16:00
Este evento já terminou.
Sala de Seminários do DF, Pavilhão de Física, 2º piso

Recent Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of M87* and Sgr A* provide compelling evidence for the presence of supermassive black holes at their respective cores. However, alternative models for these compact objects remain plausible. In the talk, we will explore the observational signatures of Joshi-Malafarina-Narayan (JMN-1) naked singularity (which emerges as an end state of a continual gravitational collapse) by employing a semi-analytic Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flow (RIAF) model to generate synchrotron emission images.

Additionally I will talk about how the choice of magnetic field configuration affects the polarised images in black hole images which can further help in determining magnetic field topology near sources such as Sgr A* and M87*.