Multiistochastic operations and convolution channels for quantum states
Rafał Bistroń
The notion of convolution of two probability vectors can be extended to operationsdetermined by multistochastic tensors, to describe Markov chains of a higher order. Onthe other hand, the idea of convolution lies in the centre of machine learningalgorithms for image processing: Convolutional Neural Networks.
In my talk, I will firstpresent the characterization of the probability eigenvectors of multi-stochastictensors, corresponding to fixed points of generalized Markov chains. Similar results willbe also obtained in the quantum case for multi-stochastic channels acting on mixedquantum states.
Next, I propose a quantum analogue of the convolution, based oncoherifications of tristochastic tensors, defined for two arbitrary density matrices ofthe same size. Finally, I will discuss possible applications of this notion to constructschemes of error mitigation or as building blocks in quantum Convolutional NeuralNetworks..