Seminário CAT

Radiation Damage of Optical Components in Scintillator Detectors: from ATLAS/LHC Tile Calorimeter to Future Experiments

Beatriz Catarina Pinheiro Pereira

Segunda-feira, 27 de Fevereiro 2023 das 14:00 às 16:00
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The European Strategy for Particle Physics update remarks on the importance of the detectors' R&D in preparation for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). In scintillator-based calorimeter systems, a high energy resolution is needed for an FCC electron-positron collider, while a hadron collider option requires high radiation hardness.

The study of the degradation history of current operating detectors in actual experimental conditions, such as those of the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter TileCal, is fundamental in this context. In this work, a study of the ageing of the TileCal hadronic calorimeter due to radiation exposure is presented.

In addition, a TileCal-like design will be proposed for an FCC electron-positron collider detector. Initial simulation studies on the design of this calorimeter, considering decisive factors such as the geometry, the sampling fraction and the energy resolution, were performed and will also be presented.