Radiative neutrino masses
Antonio Cárcamo Hernández
I will present four models where light active neutrino masses are radiatively generated. In the first one, the tiny active neutrino masses are generated via a three-loop radiative inverse seesaw mechanism, with the Dirac and Majorana submatrices arising at one-loop level. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first example of the inverse seesaw mechanism being implemented with both submatrices generated at one-loop level.
The model is consistent with electroweak precision observables, the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments as well as with the constraints arising from charged lepton flavor violation and the 95 GeV diphoton excess. In the second model, a dark sector seeds neutrino mass generation radiatively within the linear seesaw mechanism and sizeable rates for charged lepton flavor violation are obtained.
The third model is a Majoron-like extension of the Standard Model with an extra global U(1)X symmetry where neutrino masses are generated through an inverse seesaw mechanism at the 1-loop level. The model is also consistent with charged lepton flavor violation and dark matter. The fourth one is a minimally extended inert doublet model where the tiny neutrino masses are generated through a three-loop seesaw. The model has viable dark matter candidates and leads to a rich phenomenology while satisfying all the current constraints imposed by neutrinoless double-beta decay, charged-lepton flavor violation, and electroweak precision observables.