
Simulating Gauge Theories: Bridging the Gap Between Classical and Quantum Simulations

João Barros

Quarta-feira, 13 de Setembro 2023 das 14:30 às 16:00
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Physics Seminar Room - Physics Building - 2nd floor (2-8.3)

Quantum field theories at strong coupling, as in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD),require a non-perturbative approach. Lattice discretizations and simulations providesuch an approach, which has achieved remarkable success. This is the case, forexample, of QCD at zero chemical potential. However, in cases like at finite chemicalpotential or under real-time evolution, the best techniques are still hindered by theso-called sign problems.

The emergence of quantum simulators for gauge theories,which aim to simulate these theories directly on quantum devices, opens up apromising new avenue for tackling these challenges. Rather than eliminating the needfor classical computational approaches, the latter becomes crucial for validatingquantum simulators and as probes of quantum supremacy.

This talk will delve intoboth classical and quantum approaches to tackling these problems. In particular, wewill discuss the basic requirements needed for quantum simulating gauge theories,how they call for new classical approaches, and how all of these open the door to theexploration of new physics. By bridging the gap between classical and quantumapproaches, we aim to advance our understanding of physics at a fundamental leveland pave the way for future advancements in simulating gauge theories.